Drop your net and follow Jesus!
Every year, the Pastoral Conference provides space for pastors and their parishioners to discuss,
"What does it mean to be a missional community?" and "How can my parish flourish?" What is different this year is that every member of the archdiocese is invited and encouraged to attend the Pastoral Conference.
Times are tough; there is no denying it. Our Church faces increasing challenges, from secular society to a culture of death and so much more.
The majority of Catholics no longer participate in the life of the Church – only 22% attend Mass on Sunday. Six times as many people are leaving the Church as are joining it. And many of our friends and family members are living without the hope and joy of knowing Jesus.
In response to these challenges, the Archbishop has asked every parish throughout the archdiocese to become a missional community. Like the first disciples, we must make Jesus known in these turbulent times. For centuries before us, all the way back to the apostles, people have made the courageous decision to spread the Word of God – no matter how rough the seas. We – YOU AND I – are called to do the same.
The goal is for every parish hall or largest meeting space to be filled so that every Catholic in northeast Nebraska has the opportunity to hear our current reality and be stirred as a community to meet this reality head-on.
Gather with your pastor and fellow parishioners
and take this first step to bring souls to Christ.
Contact your parish to attend!
We will gather virtually on Saturday, October 1 from 9:00am-12:30pm.
The Pastoral Conference is an opportunity to come together and be equipped to assist our parishes in becoming the missional communities the Lord is calling us to be.
This year, we will focus our attention on a few essential habits which typify the life of a follower of Jesus Christ.
Similar to last year, the general structure of the day will be a multi-media presentation followed by a small group exercise.
Pastors are highly encouraged to invite their leadership teams, parish staff, and clergy along with laypeople in the parish community who desire to evangelize - whether or not they are already recognized parish leaders.
No, there is not an Archdiocesan registration for the conference. Pastors are encouraged to work with their point person to keep track of attendees for logistical & hospitality purposes.
The livestream will be right here at the top of this webpage, as well as at journeyoffaith.org
Yes, you will have access to the livestream video post-conference right here on this webpage.

St. Therese of Lisieux, pray for us!
Feast Day: October 1
We ask St. Therese to pray that we would have the same passion for proclaiming Christ that led her to be named a patron saint of missionaries.