Safe Environment

The Archdiocese of Omaha is committed to a safe,
pure, and loving environment for all of our youth

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Safe Environment

The Archdiocese of Omaha Safe Environment mission is to ensure all children/youth and vulnerable adults will experience a welcoming, safe, and caring environment that allows them to embrace their faith and engage in healthy relationships. Our Safe Environment program is in response to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishop's Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. These efforts include Safe Environment Adult Certification (training, background check, code of conduct) for all who have contact with children/youth, Circle of Grace yearly training for children and youth, Safe Environment Coordinators in parishes/ schools and ongoing parish/school audits. Our goal is to provide a strong safety net for our children/youth and vulnerable adults by having all those who are safe environment certified be our "eyes and ears" to protect them.

USCCB's Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People

Ambiente Seguro

La misión de un Ambiente Seguro en la Arquidiócesis de Omaha es garantizar que todos los niños/jóvenes y adultos vulnerables experimenten un ambiente acogedor, seguro y afectuoso que les permita abrazar su fe y entablar relaciones saludables. Nuestro programa de Ambiente Seguro es una respuesta al Acta Constitutiva para la Protección de Niños y Jóvenes de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de los Estados Unidos. Estos esfuerzos incluyen Certificación de Ambiente Seguro para los Adultos (capacitación, verificación de antecedentes, código de conducta) para todos los que tienen contacto con niños/jóvenes, capacitación anual del Círculo de Gracia para niños y jóvenes, tener Coordinadores de Ambiente Seguro en parroquias/escuelas y auditorías continuas en parroquias/escuelas. Nuestro objetivo es proporcionar una red de seguridad sólida, convirtiendo a todos aquellos que están certificados en ambiente seguro en nuestros "ojos y oídos" para proteger a nuestros niños, jóvenes y adultos vulnerables.

Promulgation Letter

Archbishop of Omaha George J. Lucas decrees that Circle of Grace© and Circle of Care© comply with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People.

Read the letter here

The Archdiocese of Omaha is committed to ensuring that all children can learn with smiles and open hearts from caring leaders in each one of our parishes, schools, and activities.

The Safe Environment program is our Archdiocesan response to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishop’s Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People. The Archdiocese of Omaha is actively committed to this cause through the volunteers, staff, priests, and parents who work together to furnish a comfortable place of growth and development for our youth.

The Safe Environment safety net consists of several parts:

  • Victim Assistance Coordination. Ensures that victims of abuse receive thorough and caring assistance in a safe environment where they can feel comfortable.
  • Policy Development. Codes of Conduct and specific policies covering relationships, boundaries, communications, and the obligations of archdiocesan clergy, employees and volunteers.
  • Safe Environment Coordinators. Coordinators are in parishes and schools to assist in the implementation of safe environment efforts.
  • Parish and School Audits. Conducted on a five-year cycle to educate, support and ensure compliance with the Charter.
  • Circle of Grace Safety Curriculum. The Circle of Grace concept teaches young people that God gives us all our own Circle of Grace to help us be safe. Developed by the Archdiocese of Omaha, this curriculum has been adopted by more than 68 dioceses and is used in hundreds of schools nationwide.
  • Safe Environment Certification. For archdiocesan clergy, employees, and volunteers which includes training, successful background checks and acknowledged code of conduct.
  • A Review Board. To assist the Archbishop in his responsibilities for the protection of youth.
  • A Ministerial Conduct Board. The Board serves the Archbishop who refers alleged clergy misconduct concerns, not involving minors, for consultation.

Safe Environment Policies

Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People

Review the Bishops' Charter and all Safe Environment policies and guidelines.

Estatuto Para la Protección de Niños y Jóvenes

Revise el Estatuto de Obispos y todas las políticas y directrices del programa de Ambientes Seguros.

Report Bishop Abuse

Catholic Bishop Abuse Reporting Service

This service was created to gather and relay reports of sexual misconduct involving bishops of the United States, and reports of their intentional interference in a sexual abuse investigation.

Safe Environment Training & Certification

Click below to register via the Catholic Mutual Group website. The first step is to create a new account. Then you will acknowledge the Archdiocesan Code of Conduct, sign up for a training most convenient for you, and submit a background check request.

Initial / Live Training

Safe Environment Recertification

Click below to recertify via the Catholic Mutual Group website. You can do this 60 days before your current certification expires. You will need your current username and password. Click on forgot username and password if needed; you will then receive an email with your information. Please do not create a new account. For further assistance with username and password questions, contact your parish or school Safe Environment Coordinator. Once you are in your account, you will acknowledge the Archdiocesan Code of Conduct, watch the online training, and submit a background check request.


Certificación & Capacitación en Ambientes Seguros

Haga clic para registrarse por medio de la página de Catholic Mutual Group. El primer paso es crear una cuenta nueva. Luego, usted reconocerá y aceptará el Código de Conducta de la Arquidiócesis, regístrese para la capacitación que sea más conveniente para usted y envíe una solicitud para la revisión de los antecedentes penales.

Entrenamiento Inicial / En Vivo

Certificación de Ambientes Seguro

Haga clic a continuación para recertificarse por medio del sitio web de Catholic Mutual Group. Esto puede hacerlo 60 días antes de que caduque su certificación actual. Necesitará su nombre de usuario y contraseña actual. Haga clic en Olvidé el nombre de usuario y la contraseña si es necesario; luego recibirá un correo electrónico con su información. No vaya a crear una cuenta nueva. Para obtener más ayuda si tiene preguntas sobre su nombre de usuario y la contraseña, comuníquese con su parroquia o Coordinador de Ambientes Seguros. Una vez que esté en su cuenta, reconozca y acepte el Código de Conducta de la Arquidiócesis, vea la capacitación en línea y envíe la solicitud para la revisión de sus antecedentes penales.


Find a training session

This calendar is routinely updated with new sessions as they become available. Safe Environment Training takes 2 – 2 ½ hours.


Sherry Huntwork

Mary Maguire

For technical support with the Catholic Mutual Group platform, contact CMG at 1-800-228-6108