Victim Assistance
Archdiocese of Omaha wants to express our concern and compassion for all those who have been wounded by sexual misconduct at the hands of Church personnel. We are truly sorry for the pain this betrayal of trust has caused. We will listen to your needs and support you. The Director for the Office of Victim Outreach and Prevention is available for all those who have been hurt, seek to be heard, and want to start the healing process. The first step when abuse concerns arise is to call Child Protective Services at 800.652.1999 or local law enforcement at 911.
Contact usAyuda para las Víctimas
Lamentamos el dolor y el sufrimiento que ha vivido y estamos listos para escucharle con nuestros corazones llenos de amor y nuestras mentes abiertas. La Arquidiócesis de Omaha quiere ayudarle a cualquier persona que alegue abuso sexual por parte de cualquier miembro del clero o empleado de la arquidiócesis.
CONTÁCTENOSTo report abuse, call Child Protective Services at 800.652.1999
or local law enforcement at 911.
Para denunciar el abuso, Llame a los Servicios de Protección Infantil al 800.652.1999
o a los agentes de la policía local al 911.
The Way Retreat
The Way is a healing retreat for survivors of abuse, a three-day guided meditation and prayer experience for those whose abuse by another has deeply affected their heart, mind, body, and soul. These are yearly retreats; one for women and one for men.
Prayer Service for Healing from Abuse
Abuse can happen in families, churches and communities. Twice a year, Archbishop George Lucas leads prayer services for survivors of abuse and those who love them.
Please check back for information on upcoming prayer services.
How we can help
We will help you get support by providing:
- Information about counseling through individual therapy and/or support.
- Financial resources for counseling, retreats and other needs.
- Information about spiritual directors.
We want to listen to and respect your complaint
Know that we are here for you as a listening and caring presence. Showing compassion and seeking justice are our objectives as we respond to the harm you or someone you know has experienced from a person in a position of trust. We want to listen and address the hurt that may have occurred when pastoral care was exercised improperly.
We recognize that bringing a misconduct complaint/concern to the archdiocese can be a difficult consideration. We want to make this process caring and respectful. We will proceed at the pace that you set, respecting your need to determine when, how and where you wish to speak.
Ministry-related sexual misconduct refers to the following related forms of misconduct:
- Sexual abuse is defined as sexual conduct between church personnel and a minor or vulnerable adult
- Sexual exploitation is defined as sexual conduct between church personnel and an adult who is receiving pastoral care
Bringing a Complaint For Recent Sexual Abuse
Your first step for recent sexual abuse reporting is to call Child Protective Services at 800.652.1999 or call your local law enforcement agency. The Archdiocese is committed to cooperating with the authorities and is here to support you during this difficult process. Contact Mary Beth Hanus LCSW, LMHP.
Bringing a Complaint For Past Incidents
We support your decision to contact the authorities (law enforcement/child protective services) for all past concerns. To report these incidents to the archdiocese, your first point of contact is Contact Mary Beth Hanus L.C.S.W., L.M.H.P., the Archdiocese of Omaha’s Victim Outreach and Prevention Director.
You also can:
- Call the Archdiocese of Omaha Chancery at: 402.558.3100 and ask to speak with the Chancellor.
- Write to Archbishop George Lucas:
“Personal & Confidential”
Archdiocese of Omaha
2222 N. 111th Street
Omaha, NE 68164
We will help you bring your concerns to church officials outside the Archdiocese if the abuse, exploitation or harassment occurred elsewhere and you now reside in the Archdiocese of Omaha.
If you are unsure about bringing a complaint or would like further information, please contact Mary Beth Hanus LCSW, LMHP.
Cómo Podemos Ayudar
Le ayudaremos a obtener apoyo al proporcionarle:
- Información sobre consejería por medio de terapia individual y/o apoyo.
- Recursos financieros para los copagos del seguro médico, retiros y otras necesidades.
- Información sobre directores espirituales.
Queremos escucharle y respetarle su queja
Sepa que estamos aquí para usted para escucharle y cuidar de usted. El hallar justicia y mostrar compasión son nuestros objetivos mientras que respondemos al daño que usted o alguien que conoce ha vivido por parte de una persona en una posición de confianza. Queremos escucharle y abordar el dolor que pudo haber ocurrido cuando el cuidado pastoral se ejerció de manera inapropiada.
Reconocemos que el presentar una queja por mala conducta a la arquidiócesis puede ser una consideración aterradora. Queremos que este proceso sea lo más cuidadoso y fácil posible. Nosotros procederemos al ritmo que usted establezca, respetando su necesidad de determinar cuándo, cómo y dónde desea hablar.
La mala conducta sexual relacionada con el ministerio se refiere a formas relacionadas de mala conducta:
- Abuso sexual, que es una conducta sexual entre un empleado de la iglesia y un menor o adulto vulnerable.
- Explotación sexual, lo cual es el contacto sexual entre un empleado de la iglesia y una persona que está recibiendo cuidado pastoral.
Presentar una Queja por un Abuso Sexual Reciente
Su primer paso para denunciar un abuso sexual reciente es llamar a los Servicios de Protección Infantil al 800.652.199 o llame a su agencia de policía local.
Para Presentar una Queja por Incidentes Pasados
Para los incidentes que ocurrieron en el pasado usted puede:
- Comunicarse con Mary Beth Hanus L.C.S.W., L.M.H.P., Directora de Prevención y Ayuda a las Víctimas de la Arquidiócesis de Omaha.
- Llamar a la Cancillería de la Arquidiócesis de Omaha al: 402.558.3100 y pedir hablar con el Canciller.
- Escribirle al arzobispo George Lucas:
“Personal & Confidential”
Archdiocese of Omaha
2222 N. 111th Street
Omaha, NE 68164
Nosotros le ayudaremos a llevar sus inquietudes a los funcionarios de la iglesia fuera de la Arquidiócesis si el abuso, la explotación o el acoso ocurrió en otro lugar y ahora reside en la Arquidiócesis de Omaha.
Si no está seguro de presentar una queja o desea obtener más información, comuníquese con Mary Beth Hanus LCSW, LMHP.
Read the Charter for the Protection
of Children and Young People
Updated by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in 2018