Holy Hour for Priests and Seminarians @ St. Peter's Omaha

Holy Hour for Priests and Seminarians @ St. Peter's Omaha
March 20, 2023
St. Peter Catholic Church
709 S. 28th Street
Join the Serra Club of West Omaha for a beautiful Holy Hour for Priests and Seminarians at St. Peter Catholic Church, 709 S. 28th Street in Omaha, beginning with a reception in the Narthex at 6:30 PM followed by the Holy Hour at 7:00 PM. The Presider will be Father Frank Baumert, Chaplain of the Serra Club of West Omaha. Prayers for our Priests and Seminarians are especially needed as our Archdiocese faces a shortage of priests amid a challenging time for our Catholic Church and our culture at large.  We need to support our Priests and Seminarians with fervent and ongoing prayer, now more than ever.  Please show your support and invite your family, friends, and guests to join us! If you are interested in helping to build the Church locally through vocations support, contact Bruce Jefferies, Serra VP, at westomaha@serrainternational.org.  Learn more at serrawestomaha.org and follow us on Facebook @serrawestomaha.
Holy Hour for Priests and Seminarians @ St. Peter's Omaha
March 20, 2023
St. Peter Catholic Church
709 S. 28th Street
Bruce Jefferies