33 Day Consecration - Be Not Afraid Holy Hour
33 Day Consecration - Be Not Afraid Holy Hour
November 11, 2023
6:00pm - 7:00pmChrist the King Church
654 S. 86th Street
Omaha, Nebraska 68114
During these tumultuous times, we would like to invite you to pray about participating in any of the 33 day Preparation Consecration to Jesus Through Mary means according to writings of St. Louis de Montfort or Fr. Gaitley's "33 Days to Morning Glory" or the Apostolate for Family Consecration's "Preparation for Total Consecration To Jesus Through Mary." May we turn to Mary and St. Joseph to further lead us to their Son Jesus for graces and healing.
This preparation actually commences on November 5th and continues with the actual consecration on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (December 8th). This would be worthy to participate for both those who wish to renew this annual consecration or completing this preparation/consecration for the first time.
Please also consider sharing this event to others who may wish to participate in this Consecration Preparation.
This preparation actually commences on November 5th and continues with the actual consecration on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (December 8th). This would be worthy to participate for both those who wish to renew this annual consecration or completing this preparation/consecration for the first time.
Please also consider sharing this event to others who may wish to participate in this Consecration Preparation.
33 Day Consecration - Be Not Afraid Holy Hour
November 11, 2023
6:00pm - 7:00pmJohn Kukula
(402) 498-9871