“No one is born a Priest.”
We invite all Priests of the Archdiocese, Parish Ministry Vocation Committee members, Serra Club Members, Knights of Columbus Vocations Coordinators, Parish Youth Ministers, Deacons, Pastoral Assistants, Consecrated Life & Religious Vocation Representatives, DRE’s, or any parishioner with a heart for vocations to attend the 2022 Vocation Summit, sponsored by the Archdiocese of Omaha, Vocations Office and the Serra Club of Omaha.
St. Patrick’s Church in Elkhorn, Nebraska
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Sponsored by the Vocations Office and the Serra Club of Omaha
The summit this year will be presented by Greg Schweitz, of Serra International, and Mark Bonkiewicz of Omaha. “Igniting the faithful begins with a Spark.”
If your parish has a Vocations program and you would like to share your ideas with others, we encourage you to bring items for a display table. Please email kmweinfurtner@archomaha.org and let her know you need a table. Or you can register online at VOCATION SUMMIT 2022
Lunch will be provided at no cost with registration.