Stewardship is a Way of Life
Stewardship is not a single action or a program. It is a way of Christian living where we come to know that all we have is a gift from God, and we are invited to return those gifts with love to the Lord, our parish and our community.
Stewardship is an integral component of a Culture of Generosity that comes from transformational encounters with Jesus and our continuous call to conversion. Therefore, we must be as intentional about how we invite parishioners to stewardship as we are about sharing the Good News and making disciples.
Stewardship Equals Mission
The US Bishops’ Pastoral Letter, Stewardship A Disciple’s Response, is the foundation for a Culture of Generosity. A thorough understanding and application of this resource will yield spiritually vibrant and financially secure parishes, now and in the years to come. One of the greatest challenges to achieving this goal is changing parishioners' perception of stewardship, helping them move beyond "stewardship equals money" to "stewardship equals mission."
This transformation happens over time and involves a conversion of mind and heart. Parishes that embrace stewardship conversion as a journey, taking one small step at a time, can achieve their goals. A plan focused on the spirituality and practice of stewardship in all its forms will strengthen your parish. As parishioners embrace stewardship as a way of life, they become truly joyful participants in building God's kingdom. Ministries grow, faith communities thrive, and Catholics fulfill their baptismal call and their individual need to give.
The Five Imperatives to Create a Culture of Generosity
The five imperatives include a road map to create and implement a plan toward a Culture of Generosity. You can find the manual here.
- Leadership: Pages 8 – 22
- Communication: Pages 23 – 48
- Worship & Hospitality: Pages 49 – 71
- Living Mercy: Pages 72 – 89
- Invitation: See second manual
Prayer, Participation and Generosity
It is essential that your parish is a place where prayer, participation and generosity are deeply valued. To help foster this type of environment, refer to the resources here.
Prayer. Invite parishioners to be generous with their time with Jesus by committing to communal and personal prayer (Sunday Mass, weekday Mass, Liturgy of the Hours, Advent & Lenten services, Eucharistic Adoration, Small Groups, scripture reading and family prayer).
Participation. Encourage parishioners to exercise their call to holiness and participate in the parish's mission. God has a unique vocation, charisms and talents for each of us that help build the Body of Christ.
Generosity. Prayer and participation (time and talent) do not excuse us from giving the first fruit of our livelihood, our financial gifts. Invite parishioners to consider the value of mercy, the worth of their worship and work to instill a habit of giving that is planned, prioritized, percentage-based and progressive.