Same-Sex Attraction

Through Jesus' all-encompassing love, we can help provide the peace and clarity you seek.

Today, the Church provides a badly needed context for the care of the human person when she refuses to consider the person a ‘heterosexual’ or a ‘homosexual’ and insists that every person has a fundamental identity: a creature of God, and by grace, His child and heir to eternal life.”
—  Letter from the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, October 1986

Same-Sex Attraction Resources

If you struggle with same sex attraction or related feelings, you’re not alone. More importantly, the Archdiocese of Omaha provides a place of sanctuary where you can share your thoughts and emotions, and begin your journey towards greater peace of mind. That’s where our Courage EnCourage program offers help—for both you and your family or friends. So take that first leap. We’ll be here to accept you, listen to you and help you—at your own pace, in a welcoming atmosphere.

Courage and EnCourage

Atracción por el mismo sexo

Additional Resources

Courage was founded in 1980 to help Catholics with same-sex attraction live chaste lives in accordance with the Roman Catholic Church’s teaching. EnCourage is a support group for family members, spouses and friends of men and women with same-sex attraction. 

Contact Request Form

Es en nuestro programa Courage Encourage que ofrece ayuda — para ambos usted y su familia o amigos. Así que tome ese primer paso. Estamos aquí para aceptarle, escucharle y ayudarle, a su propio ritmo, en un ambiente acogedor.

A través del amor de Jesús que todo lo abarca, podemos ayudar a proporcionar la paz y la claridad que buscas.

Courage y EnCourage International 

Contact us for more information

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