'With Age-Old Love I Have Loved You' retreat

'With Age-Old Love I Have Loved You' retreat
February 14, 2025
St. Benedict Center
1126 Road I
PO Box 528
Schuyler, Nebraska 68661-0528
The Prophet Jeremiah bears in himself the pain of Israel’s blindness to the truth and, at the same time, God’s everlasting love for his chosen people. It is the “age-old love with which I have loved you” (Jer 31:3) that Jeremiah clings to as he sees his familiar world disappear.

We will see how Jeremiah stands firm in a changing world, how he confronts those who don’t want to see and how he speaks of a new relationship for the future built on a covenant that, once made, God will never let go of.

We will hear how Jeremiah is no stranger to us in a time when we are living in a change of eras and still speaks to us of a compassion that wants to embrace us and make us new.

Father Joel Macul, OSB, STL, was the prior at our monastery in Schuyler from 2017 till 2023. Before that, he served as abbot of St. Paul’s Abbey in Newton, New Jersey, and taught Scripture at Tangaza College and Catholic University of Eastern Africa in Nairobi, Kenya. He now lives again in Newton, NJ.

This program begins on Friday at 7:30pm and ends Sunday after lunch. Program Fee: $80
Rooms per night: Single Occupancy - $52, Double Occupancy - $43 per person
Meals: Breakfast $9.00, Lunch $13.30, Supper $12.30

Sales and lodging tax are additional.

To Register please go online www.StBenedictCenter.com or call 402-352-8819, ext. 360 or email: Retreats@StBenedictCenter.com.
Website: StBenedictCenter.com
'With Age-Old Love I Have Loved You' retreat
February 14, 2025
St. Benedict Center
1126 Road I
PO Box 528
Schuyler, Nebraska 68661-0528
402-352-8819, ext. 360