Marriage: A Journey for Life (MAJ) - Webinar

Marriage: A Journey for Life (MAJ) - Webinar
September 12, 2020
9:00am - 2:00pm
Cost: $80.00
Marriage: A Journey for Life (MAJ) is a Saturday workshop in which couples prayerfully reflect and discuss important marriage topics within the context of the Catholic faith. Topics include communication, sacramental marriage, marital intimacy and responsible love, challenges to the vocation of marriage and stewardship.
FOCCUS: When you register for MAJ, you will automatically be registered for the FOCCUS premarriage inventory.
Marriage: A Journey for Life (MAJ) - Webinar
September 12, 2020
9:00am - 2:00pm
Rachael Tvrdy
(402) 551-9003