Lover, Marriage and the Stations of the Cross

Lover, Marriage and the Stations of the Cross
March 10, 2023
St. James Parish
4710 North 90th Street
God is Love, and nowhere is His love more clearly practiced and proved than in Christ’s Passion. Jesus shows us that you cannot truly love unless you are willing to accept the cross. Married couples experience love’s joys and bear its crosses. Meditating on the Stations of the Cross draws couples more fully into Christ's love and into recognizing the beauty and meaning of married lives committed to love. XIV Ministries and Catholic Engaged Encounter present Love, Marriage, and the Stations of the Cross.
Lover, Marriage and the Stations of the Cross
March 10, 2023
St. James Parish
4710 North 90th Street
Kevin Euteneuer
(402) 504-8451