Lord Teach Me To Pray "Training-Retreat"

Lord Teach Me To Pray "Training-Retreat"
June 15, 2019
8:00am - 4:30pm
Pope St. John XXIII Diocesan Center
3700 Sheridan Blvd.
Lincoln, Nebraska 68461
Facilitator Training-Retreat for the "Lord Teach Me To Pray" (LTMTP) Ignatian prayer series. There is no charge for the retreat or materials. Come & discern if God is calling you to become a facilitator! Or, if you are simply interested in finding out more about Ignatian Prayer and the "Lord Teach Me To Pray" prayer series, you are also invited! For info and registration please go to lordteachmetopray.com. Click on Training-Retreats, scroll down to Lincoln for registration form or call 504.439.5933.
Website: http://www.lordteachmetopray.com
Lord Teach Me To Pray "Training-Retreat"
June 15, 2019
8:00am - 4:30pm
Pope St. John XXIII Diocesan Center
3700 Sheridan Blvd.
Lincoln, Nebraska 68461
Sue Kirkpatrick
(402) 440-7175