Holy Hour to Pray for Vocations at JPII Newman Center in Omaha

Holy Hour to Pray for Vocations at JPII Newman Center in Omaha
January 15, 2024
John Paul II Newman Center Omaha
1221 S. 71st Street
Omaha, Nebraska 68106
The Serra Club of West Omaha invites you to a special Holy Hour to Pray for Vocations. We will gather at 6:30 PM for guests to meet our Serrans and then begin the Holy Hour in the Chapel at 7:00 PM. Father Frank Baumert and Father Toby Letak will preside the Holy Hour using the very special Serra International traveling monstrance that was blessed by Pope Saint John Paul II. After the Holy Hour we will gather in the Karol Commons area with students and attendees for a social mixer. Light refreshments will be provided. All are welcome!
Website: serrawestomaha.org
Holy Hour to Pray for Vocations at JPII Newman Center in Omaha
January 15, 2024
John Paul II Newman Center Omaha
1221 S. 71st Street
Omaha, Nebraska 68106
Lori Hamilton