"For The Love Of" Valentine's Day Tribute Mass

"For The Love Of" Valentine's Day Tribute Mass
February 14, 2024
8:30am - 9:30am
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
2218 Binney Street
Omaha, Nebraska 68110
CUES will host the "For the Love Of" Valentine's Day Tribute Mass, inviting all members of the community to join in a celebration of love, togetherness, and solidarity.

This unique event aims to honor all of your loved ones beyond romantic gestures, emphasizing the universal values of kindness, empathy and inclusivity.

You can visit our website to see the details about the Mass and make a tribute to CUES School System in the name of a loved one.
Website: https://cuesschools.org/for-the-love/
"For The Love Of" Valentine's Day Tribute Mass
February 14, 2024
8:30am - 9:30am
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
2218 Binney Street
Omaha, Nebraska 68110
Katie Jones
(402) 502-7807