Fathers and Sons - Together Forever Retreat

Fathers and Sons - Together Forever Retreat
July 27-28, 2024
St. Benedict Center
1123 Road I
Schuyler, Nebraska 68661
Cost: $194.52
Fathers and Sons - Together Forever invites you to our 20th annual retreat at the beautiful St. Benedict Center in Schuyler. This weekend retreat provides an opportunity for fathers and sons to talk, share, and experience what is really important in their relationship in the context of faith.
The retreat is open to sons ages 11 to 17. While fathers are the primary attendees, the weekend is open to any male who plays an important part in a boy's life. We have short talks on important topics with time for one-on-one communication after. There are opportunities for Adoration, Benediction, Morning Prayer, Stations of the Cross, and Reconciliation. On Sunday, fathers can impart a personal blessing on their sons at the end of Mass.
"All work and no play...". We have "fathers against sons" dodge ball games. Then fathers team up with their sons in the water balloon toss to see which father-son team can toss their water balloons the farthest without getting soaked! A hayrack ride is followed by "game night with lots of snacks.
Website: https://www.fathersandsonstogether.org
Fathers and Sons - Together Forever Retreat
July 27-28, 2024
St. Benedict Center
1123 Road I
Schuyler, Nebraska 68661
Edward DeSimone
(402) 679-1841