Evangelium Institute: Rome Beneath the Surface

Evangelium Institute: Rome Beneath the Surface
October 10, 2024
Christ the King
Parish Center
654 S. 86th St.
Omaha, NE 68114
Cost: $5
Go beneath the surface of Rome to discover our hidden, Catholic past!

Dcn. Omar Gutiérrez will share stories about some of the greatest archeological discoveries in the Eternal City of Rome. Learn about what the early Church was like, about archeology in the modern age, and about the roots of our faith as Catholics.

Appropriate (and recommended) for middle schoolers and older. Bring the whole family! All are welcome.
Website: https://secure.qgiv.com/for/evangeliuminstitute/event/rome-beneath-the-surface/
Evangelium Institute: Rome Beneath the Surface
October 10, 2024
Christ the King
Parish Center
654 S. 86th St.
Omaha, NE 68114
Abbie Lamphere