A Taste of Contemplative Prayer
A Taste of Contemplative Prayer
February 18, 2022 - February 20, 2022
(02/18) - (02/20)Saint Benedict Center
Retreat at Saint Benedict Center, Schuyler, with Father Thomas Leitner, OSB. “The present moment is the garment of God” (Martin Buber). Contemplative prayer is the opening of mind and heart—our whole being—to God, the Ultimate Mystery, beyond thoughts, words, and emotions. This retreat, involving breath practice, is for beginners on the contemplative journey. – Social distancing and wearing a mask is recommended. Friday, 7:30 p.m. to Sunday after lunch. Register now at www.StBenedictCenter.com or call (402) 352-8819.
February 18-20, 2022 A Taste of Contemplative Prayer
February 18-20, 2022 A Taste of Contemplative Prayer
A Taste of Contemplative Prayer
February 18, 2022 - February 20, 2022
(02/18) - (02/20)Saint Benedict Center
(402) 352-8819