Archbishop Lucas’ letter to the faithful of the Lincoln Diocese
November 12, 2020
Dear Friends in Christ,
I am happy to share the news that Pope Francis has authorized Bishop James Conley to fully resume the pastoral care of the Diocese of Lincoln. Bishop Conley’s resumption of his episcopal ministry takes effect on November 13, 2020. We can all be grateful to the Holy Father for his care for the Diocese of Lincoln and for Bishop Conley at this important moment.
I am glad to have Bishop Conley back home. I look forward, along with Bishop Joseph Hanefeldt of Grand Island, to once again working with Bishop Conley on matters that affect the common good here in Nebraska.
Today, I offer my sincere thanks to all of you, the faithful of the Diocese of Lincoln.
While my efforts in the diocese have necessarily been somewhat limited during the past 11 months, your kindness to me has been bountiful. The support of your prayers has meant a great deal to me. It has been a privilege to serve as Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese, and I am grateful to God and to all of you.
Please join me in praying for Bishop Conley as he resumes his ministry in the Diocese of Lincoln. May the Lord Jesus daily reveal his presence to him and may the Holy Spirit empower him for a fruitful ministry among you.
With my best wishes and prayers, I am
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Reverend George J. Lucas