Kyle Wozniak
College III
St. John Vianney
Greetings! My name is Kyle Wozniak. I’m the eldest of Tim and Jackie Wozniak and am from St. Columbkille Parish in Papillion, NE. I enjoy running and biking, movies and theater, music, drawing, and a few video games.
I’ve always been aware of and open to the idea of becoming a priest, especially since my First Reconciliation and First Communion in second grade, but I didn’t begin to discern more seriously until after the Vocation’s Day field trip in 6th grade. One time as I was kneeling and praying after receiving the Eucharist in 7th grade I felt the word “Father” arise in my heart. I was elated at first, believing I had been given my vocation, but I quickly realized that fatherhood is present in both marriage and the priesthood. I knew discernment wouldn’t be so clear and obvious, but I didn’t lose hope. I’ve stayed involved in my faith throughout high school at Gross Catholic, joining the Marianist LIFE Core Team and the choir, becoming a Lector and EMHC, and being blessed to attend a couple Steubenville Conferences and every National March for Life in the last 4 years.
It has been exciting to attend college at St. John Vianney Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. I continue to learn and grow, both in and outside the classroom, and make friends.
I have three recommendations for anyone discerning the priesthood or any religious vocation. First, go to adoration and pray in front of the Blessed Sacrament frequently. Relationship with Christ comes before mission. Next, talk to someone about your discernment. Sometimes opening up to another person about your thoughts and desires concerning your faith is what it takes to grow deeper in understanding that desire. Lastly, learn to love learning about the faith. Become passionate to read the works of the saints and Catholic thinkers from the earliest days of Christianity to those alive today proclaiming God’s Word.
Pax Christi, Ad Deum, and God Bless.