Devin Riedel
College IV
St. John Vianney
Hello. My name is Devin Riedel. I have lived in Omaha, Nebraska my entire life. I have attended St Stephen the Martyr parish in Omaha since my baptism their as an infant. I am the oldest of the 4 children in my family.
Growing up Catholic, many people said to me over the years that I would either make a good priest or that I should think about the priesthood. My parents would also tell me that my pastor for most of my life would tell them that I could end up being a priest. I took these in but for the most part thought I would go on to become a husband and a father. I continued to grow up and nothing happened until I heard one of my parish priest’s vocation story and I was struck by the beauty of it all. I slowly became involved with my parish youth group and through there encountered the Lord in adoration. It became a point to me that He was there, He knew me, and He had a plan for me. Slowly, He made known my desire for the priesthood. However, I ended up attending University of Nebraska Omaha for two years while living at the St John Paul II Newman Center. It was there that began to go to adoration more often and grow in my faith more intentionally. During these two years, I still was felling the call of the priesthood. I started meeting with the vocations director and applied during my second year. I’m attending St John Vianney Seminary this next year and am so excited to see what the Lord has in store for me this year.
My advice to those discerning is continually approach Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, frequently receive the sacrament of confession, and keep asking Mary for the grace to follow your vocation. This helps position you in the place where the Lord can continue to place on your heart His desire for your life.
My favorite hobbies are soccer, basketball, spike ball, reading, and spending time with my family and friends.
Thank you for the prayers for this upcoming year and please know of my prayers for all of you.