Caleb Kosch
College IV
St. John Vianney
Hello, my name is Caleb Kosch! I grew up in Columbus, Nebraska, and my home parish is Saint Anthony’s. I am the son of Mike and Cindy Kosch, and I am the fourth of five kids. Some of my hobbies include running, biking, hanging out with friends, reading, and surfing the web.
I first felt the calling of becoming a priest in elementary school where I was then constantly prodded with the thought of becoming a priest as I went into high school. After entering high school, I went on multiple life changing retreats, and I decided to deeply discern what God might be calling me to. I decided to try and make it to Mass more often and increase in prayer as my high school career continued. All the while, asking God for some sort of sign if this was what I was supposed to be doing. My junior year rolled around, and I went with Father Capadano and Father Roza, Vocations Director at the time, to visit a seminary with a few guys. It was after this trip that I was inspired again to pursue God’s will for my life and to apply to be a seminarian for the archdiocese.
I am currently at Saint John Vianney Seminary in Minnesota. While I am here, I hope to learn more about the Lord, grow stronger in my faith, and further discern God’s will.
For all those who are discerning the priesthood, the best piece of advice I can give is to trust in God. God has an amazing plan for all of us; it’s a better plan than we could think of for ourselves. If you feel a calling, then pray daily, talk to your parish priest, and try to go to confession consistently. It is amazing how clearly we can hear God’s voice when we are open to and pursuing his grace.