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A campaign for our parishes, schools, and ministries

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A campaign for our parishes, schools, and ministries


As the Ignite the Faith campaign draws to a close, the magnitude of the impact on our faith community is more evident than ever. We are grateful that 17,907 individuals and families in 23 counties with an average gift of $2,968 said “yes” to investing in our Catholic schools, supporting our priests and strengthening our faith. More than $53 million has been committed to the campaign and nearly $43 million has already been distributed. The long-term impact of your leadership and generosity on the Archdiocese of Omaha cannot be overstated.


As the Ignite the Faith campaign draws to a close, the magnitude of the impact on our faith community is more evident than ever. We are grateful that 17,907 individuals and families in 23 counties with an average gift of $2,968 said “yes” to investing in our Catholic schools, supporting our priests and strengthening our faith. More than $53 million has been committed to the campaign and nearly $43 million has already been distributed. The long-term impact of your leadership and generosity on the Archdiocese of Omaha cannot be overstated.

“An effort like the Ignite the Faith campaign is primarily an effort of thanksgiving and an act of faith. We recognize that all we have comes from God. In thanks we offer a portion of it back. When many of us do that together, as we did in this effort across the archdiocese, then we are able to accomplish great things with the offerings that we bring together as one. Thank you for your generous expressions of faith. May God sustain us in faith with signs of his love for us in Jesus Christ.”

Most Reverend George J. Lucas
Archdiocese of Omaha

Impact Videos

See how the Ignite the Faith Campaign has impacted the Urban and Rural areas of the Archdiocese.


Impact Videos

<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/371002591?dnt=1&amp;app_id=122963" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture; clipboard-write; encrypted-media" title="Archdiocese - Urban Ignite The Faith"></iframe>
Archdiocese - Rural Ignite The Faith
Archdiocese - Urban Ignite The Faith
Ignite the Faith: Rural
Ignite the Faith: Urban


139 Parishes
71 Schools
245,000 Parishioners
20,000 Students
194 Priests
23 Seminarians

Invest in Our Catholic Schools

Excellence Grants Awarded
• 73 Rural: $2,440,687
• 93 Urban: $4,931,117

Teacher Scholarships
• 55 Rural
• 116 Urban

Strengthen Our Faith

More than 5,000 youth impacted

Support Our Priests

Seminarians in Formation: 23
• Annual cost to educate a seminary student: $30,000
• Total annual cost: $690,000

Retired Priests Supported: 60
• Annual pension per priest: $18,300
• Total annual cost: $896,700

Parish Share: $8,571,990

(Distributed Back to the Parishes)

• Urban: $2,749,185
• Rural*: $5,822,804

* Includes $1,164,560 for rural parishes and $4,658,243 for rural Catholic schools

The Ignite the Faith Capital Campaign’s focus was on long-term, strategic priorities that could only be addressed through an extraordinary effort. When the campaign was launched in 2012, the hope was not to simply have a successful campaign, but rather to strengthen the life of the Church. Thanks to your generosity, today the funds are hard at work throughout the Archdiocese of Omaha and are making an enormous difference in our parishes and schools, re-igniting the faith of our One Church that is dedicated to encountering Jesus, equipping disciples and living mercy.


Ignite the Faith | Campaign Leadership

Most Rev. George J. Lucas Archbishop of Omaha

General Co-Chairs
Krista and Mickey Anderson
Mary and Jim Czyz
Elaine and Erv Eisenmenger
Jane and M.J. Kersenbrock
Kathy and Bill Kizer
Suzie and Mike Lawler
Suzanne and Jim Pillen
Kelly and Britt Thedinger

Advisory Council
Mary Joy Anderson
†Msgr. James Cain
Mary Lou and Charlie Diers
Carol and Allen Dvorak
Barb and Bill† Fitzgerald
Judy Harvey
Jim Kineen
Doris and Harry Knobbe
Rev. James Kramper
Carol and John Maginn
Rosella† and John Meuret
Ann Louise and John Micek
Kay† and Doug Munter
Dennis and Ellin Murphy
Betsy† and Bob Reed
Fran and Emmet Root
Rev. Donald Shane
Peg and Gene Steffensmeier
Joan and Jim Taphorn
Vera and Roman Uhing
Ellen and Herman Weist

Executive Committee
Jean and Jim Ambrose
Ann Marie and Trent Bausch
Rev. Thomas Bauwens
Rev. Gregory Baxter
Lee and Tom Belford
Jen and Rick Bettger
Tammy and Drew Blossom
Mary and Pat Corrigan
Sharon and Steve Doran
Rev. Tom Fangman
Colleen and Michael Gawley
Rev. Lloyd Gnirk
Rev. Gerald Gonderinger
Rev. Dennis Hanneman
Sarah and Brian Harr
Mary Katherine and Bill Helget
Rev. Paul Hoesing
Beth and Mike Jareske
Lisa and Rob Johnson
Rev. Daniel Kampschneider
Joanne and Tom Kerins
Rev. David Korth
Rev. Ryan Lewis
Beth and Ed McGill
Renee and Pat McGill
Patty and Paul Mendlik
Katie and Sean Mullen
Janet and Tom Nichting
Sally and Tim O’Neill
Rev. Gary Ostrander
Jill and Terry Petersen
Margaret and Doug Quinn
Teri and Ron Quinn
Stacie and Rob Reed
Gov. Pete Ricketts
Mary Lynn and Greg Schwietz
Kathy and Terry Sibbernsen
Sue and Dave Steffensmeier
Rev. James Tiegs
Margie and Jim Timmerman
Ursula and Mark Treinen
Molly and Gary Witt

Clergy Committee
Rev. Michael Grewe, Chair
Rev. Daniel Andrews
Rev. David Belt
Rev. Ross Burkhalter
Rev. Harold Buse
Msgr. Joseph Hanefeldt
Rev. Owen Korte
Rev. Joseph Miksch
Rev. Steven Stillmunks
Rev. Damian Zuerlein

Campaign Planning Committee
Archbishop George J. Lucas
Rev. Michael Grewe
Deacon Timothy McNeil
James Stolze
Rev. Joseph Taphorn
Lee Karrer
Msgr. James Gilg
Patrick Slattery

Shannan Brommer
Director, Stewardship & Development Office

The Steier Group
Campaign Counsel

† Deceased

Rural Impact Videos

Learn more about the impact in the rural areas of the Archdiocese.

<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/371002310?dnt=1&amp;app_id=122963" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture; clipboard-write; encrypted-media" title="Archdiocese - Rural Ignite The Faith"></iframe>
<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/371002310?dnt=1&amp;app_id=122963" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture; clipboard-write; encrypted-media" title="Archdiocese - Rural Ignite The Faith"></iframe>
<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/371002310?dnt=1&amp;app_id=122963" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture; clipboard-write; encrypted-media" title="Archdiocese - Rural Ignite The Faith"></iframe>
Full Video (7:34)
Short: Strengthen Our Faith (1:23)
Support Our Priests (1:12)
Invest in our Catholic Schools (2:22)
Learn more about the full impact in the rural areas of the Archdiocese.
See how the campaign has impacted the Y-Disciple program in Creighton, NE.
From retired priests to vocations...
How St. Bernadette, Malcome is benefiting from ITF

Up Next

Short: Strengthen Our Faith (1:23)
Support Our Priests (1:12)
Invest in our Catholic Schools (2:22)