Silent Directed Retreat

Silent Directed Retreat
March 8, 2020 - March 13, 2020
6:00pm (03/08) - 1:00pm (03/13)
St Benedict Center
1126 Road I
Schuyler, Nebraska 68661
Cost: $532.65 (Includes Program Fee, Meals and Taxes)
Come during Lent, step out in expectant faith and await the marvels of your God as you retreat! Meet daily with a spiritual director, gather for prayer as a group and, if you like, join the Benedictines for the liturgies. Centering prayer, walking the labyrinth and/or praying with art are other spiritual practices offered to interested retreatants.

Margie M. Walker as teacher, spouse, mother of six and spiritual director has been leading retreats and journeying with fellow pilgrims around the US for 30 years. Marisa B. Gilbert directed Knowles Mercy Spirituality Center. She is experienced in education, adult formation, retreat ministry and spiritual direction. Both presenters are trained in BioSpiritual Focusing.

Register now here or call (402) 352-8819.
Silent Directed Retreat
March 8, 2020 - March 13, 2020
6:00pm (03/08) - 1:00pm (03/13)
St Benedict Center
1126 Road I
Schuyler, Nebraska 68661
Benedict Center
(402) 352-8819